Monday, November 19, 2012

How to Speak: Lecture Tips from Patrick Winston

One seminar notification from CSAIL at MIT caught my attention today. The talk title is "How to Speak?". This coming event is on 11:00 AM tomorrow at MIT. Unfortunately, I could not attend the talk in person. Therefore, I searched the internet and found a video of the previous version of the talk. Though not containing the latest materials, I found the talk pretty informative and useful. Here I share this resource with you.

Note: The video clips on YouTube were not organized such that I need to manually select the next clip in order to proceed. Thus, I made a playlist with right order. (See the video below.) Or, you could watch the whole video from the Harvard Bok Center.


Professor Patrick Winston of MIT outlines a structure for how to give an effective lecture, illustrating the ideas by using them himself. He covers how to start a lecture, cycling in on the material, using verbal punctuation to indicate transitions, describing "near misses" that strengthen the intended concept, and asking questions. He also discusses use of the blackboard, overhead projections, props, as well as "how to stop."